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New Gagra vs Old Gagra. Gagra Abkhazia New or old Gagra

... From the heart, brother, to the soul.
A normal guy gets a thrill when he hits a bag
From the heart, the brother flies into the soul.
City life - there are only fences around,
And I was born where there are only open spaces.
I'll start the engine, lower the springs,
The higher the mountains, the lower the priors. Timati, song “Lada Sedan - Eggplant”.

When you hear enthusiastic reviews from tourists about holidays in Gagra in the land of the soul, you want to pour a fly in the ointment into this cloyingly sweet Abkhaz barrel of honey. It’s a shame that we, as tourists who were already experienced in travel and had no special illusions, ended up with a completely unsatisfying vacation. Therefore, in this review I open your eyes to what a holiday in Abkhazia - Gagra looks like in reality.

  1. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - our first impressions
  2. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - cons
  3. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - advantages
  4. Conclusion

1. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - our first impressions

The first thing that is shocking is the view of the train station. Getting to know the city begins precisely from this hot spot, where the Adler-Gagra commuter train brings all tourists.

For people who see the Gagra railway station for the first time, it becomes unclear: is this a working establishment or a set for a horror film. Its shabby appearance and blackened walls evoke thoughts of the ghost town from Silent Hill.

After landing on the platform, we, as tourists who had arrived here for the first time, stood in confusion and thought which way to go: there was no sign anywhere: the exit to the city and bus stops with drivers. After thinking a little, we decided to move towards the sea. We had to drag our backpacks across the rails, because the rickety, rusty bridge over the railway did not inspire confidence. When you drag your suitcase along the sleepers, avoiding the cows grazing here and the cakes they leave behind, the first depressing thought comes: what am I even doing here?

It turned out there was simply nowhere to go to relieve yourself at the station. Moreover, on the train the conductors did not allow us to use the toilet - it was not allowed according to some instructions related to border crossings. What should a tourist do? Should I run into the bushes or leave my “greeting” right on the rails, like the local cattle?

Fortunately, we had bicycles on which we rode to the local market. As it turned out later, we were driving in the right direction - the resort recreation area or Old Gagra begins not far from the local bazaar. In general, I don’t recommend renting housing near the railway station; it’s better to get to Avidzba and Abazgaa streets.

Gagra railway station, Abkhazia

The Abkhaz city itself is divided conditionally into two districts: old and new Gagra. In the old ones there are sanatoriums and boarding houses, there are preserved attractions - such as the colonnade and the Prince of Oldenburg Park. And in new Gagra there is a local population that rents out square meters to vacationers. If you are not ready to shell out 1,500 - 3,000 rubles per day of stay in museum-type sanatoriums, more than a century has passed since the year of construction (and the level of service leaves much to be desired), then you are welcome to find budget accommodation. In new Gagra, prices for a bed start from 300 rubles per day.

Common sense told us to settle near the local market to be able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, after running around the local courtyards, we found housing that suited us completely: it was a 10-minute walk to the sea, there was a courtyard and its own kitchen with the ability to cook. What I didn't like were the concrete floors on the street. It would be nice if these were narrow paths, among greenery and flowers. So for some reason the owners turned the yard into a bare area, without a single piece of land. And the garden was located in the backyard, and it offered a wonderful view of the mountains.

The hospitality of the hosts slightly offset the first unpleasant impressions of the city. But subsequently, we were still overtaken by disappointments that would spoil any tourist’s holiday here.

2. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - cons


This is rudeness that comes from the local population. Whether it's a passerby or a trader at the market, they are all filled with some kind of hostility towards tourists. Gagra, as is known since Soviet times, has been considered a resort town. Remember the movie and the phrase in the phone booth: “Hello, Anyuta? You can't imagine! I’m flying to Gagra now.”

Revenue from tourism in Abkhazia accounts for almost a third of the country's budget and a million tourists visit this place every year. I don’t know about the others, but I am no longer drawn to return to Gagra, even if it has the cleanest sea in the world and the most healing mountain air.

Despite the fact that for the majority of the population, all their earnings are what the tourist flow gave during the season from renting out housing, selling wines and cheeses (then the locals simply suffer until the next season from unemployment and lack of money). The attitude towards a vacationer is simply the height of rudeness and arrogance. I had the feeling that local men consider it their duty to yell at the opportunity or rudely pester a girl on vacation. We have not encountered theft, but judging by the deplorable reviews on the forums, it is also thriving here.

Once, when we were riding a bicycle with a child, some passing aborigine was not too lazy to open his window on the “eggplant-colored seven” and cursed at us like: why are you driving here, interfering with traffic. I didn’t understand at all how I could interfere with him if we were moving along the sidewalk. Naturally, I just pretended not to pay attention.

Another incident happened at the market when my sister was called a cow (even though she weighs 50 kg). She tripped over boxes that lay on the walkway. And during our entire vacation in Gagra, we encountered a lot more such rudeness.

Moreover, here you begin to consider not only the local people as aggressive, but also the animals. The dogs are what amazed me the most. We simply could not ride our bikes calmly, because a mad pack of dogs was immediately rushing after us, trying to bite our legs. Some simply barked at us to the point of frenzy, scaring me and the child sitting behind me, and these were not stray dogs - but well-fed yard dogs. The aggression and anger emanating from them forced me, every time I saw even a small dog, to take the bike under my arms and walk.

“If a child is nervous, his parents must be treated first.” Agniya Barto

At these moments, I sadly recalled our vacation in Thailand: kind dogs that looked like bear cubs. Who approach tourists in a friendly manner and allow them to play with them.

And I would like to give advice to all women and girls going on vacation to this Caucasian resort. Citizens, never walk alone in Gagra at night, this is not only fraught with adventures on the f... y, but also dangerous. We saw how a local tipsy man in a cafe began to fight with his fists against a woman for refusing his “elephant” advances.

Inflated prices

Speaking of the local market. The prices here seem to have descended with the clouds from the mountains - they are so sky-high. Market traders here ask two to three times more for their vegetables and fruits than in Russian stores and supermarkets. At home we ate much cheaper. Here you had to pay twice as much for the same tomatoes and cucumbers. I'm not even talking about milk, kefir and cottage cheese, which during the holidays became simply a luxury. If you are interested, I wrote about food prices in Abkhazia in Gagra in the previous article. Moreover, all the goods are imported and not the first freshness. In Abkhazia itself nothing is produced except wine. Sausages and cheeses in stores look like they have been sitting on display for years. The ice cream is tasteless, and once we got nothing at all.

Be careful when purchasing local delicacy from traders - churchkhella. Under the guise of fruits pickled in juice, they sold us churchkhella, inside of which there was not a single nut or even a piece of fruit! However, it turned out to be stale and impossible to bite off.

If you thought that you could replenish your wardrobe in Abkhazia, then you will have to shell out a pretty penny. Traders at the market ask for 800 - 2000 rubles for a T-shirt, but whatever you want, they say, it’s Turkish quality. I don’t know for whom the sellers set these prices at the Gagra market in Abkhazia, but I definitely wasn’t going to buy clothes at that price.

Poor quality service

And God forbid you go to your local hairdresser. I have never met such crooked barbers anywhere. What was called a youth haircut in the price list looked like “a Ukrainian at a wedding” on my husband. Good thing he could wear a baseball cap until his hair grew long.

Tourist scam

Perhaps the most blatant scam of tourists that we encountered happened to us on an excursion in Gagra. The program was called horseback riding, and in addition to the hike along the winding paths on horseback, our guide suggested that the excursion group take a look at. When we asked about the entrance fee, the guide smiled broadly and said that everything was included in the price of the excursion. Although the program did not include a visit to the zoo.

And on the way out we were all in for a surprise that we had to pay to get out. The fee for visiting the fraudulently imposed additional excursion in the form of a zoo was 500 rubles. per person. And they literally didn’t let us go until they took the money for the ticket. Due to lack of money, they asked my sister for a gold chain! Then they persuaded the child to go out for free, and charged only for adults.

A similar scam awaits you on an excursion to the lake in Gagra, when the guide will offer, in addition to the standard program, to go to Stalin’s dacha or climb higher into the mountains to see wonderful waterfalls. Naturally, you will have to fork out more and most often this amount will be more than the cost of the excursion itself. We read about this on the forum and people said that you can refuse and then part of the group will go without you, and those who don’t want to can stay and wait until they return.

But where should friends wait? The question of who goes to Stalin's dacha and waterfalls and who stays is asked by the guide in the mountains, where there is no designated place to sit or walk. There's not a soul there at all. And if you believe the locals, then in these places independent tourists were killed by bears and wolves. And even if you don’t believe these rumors, it often happens that they simply forget to pick up tourists in Gagra. Everyone had to obediently go with the whole group, because two or three people expressed a great desire to visit Stalin’s dacha. And it’s somehow inconvenient for a Russian person to be indignant, otherwise they’ll think that you’re a miser.

Ruins of former splendor

In addition to the fact that all the buildings here have not been restored for a long time and in some places, by luck, only cosmetic repairs were carried out, the city is full of houses destroyed during the war. You seem to be walking along the road leading to the sea, but you are passing through ashes. The sight of blackened walls and broken glass on frightening-looking houses, which for some reason no one demolishes, only evokes depression. Therefore, we tried to go to the very end of Gagra and went to the beach near the park. But fans of post-apocalypse will definitely like it here)

The Prince of Oldenburg Park itself can hardly be called a local landmark, much less a park. It is in disrepair: the ponds that are located in it have long been overgrown with mud and are more reminiscent of a swamp with the smell of the waste products of frogs. Walking along it is also not much fun: the sidewalks and paths are in ruins and you have to constantly watch your step so as not to fall over. Just like in the city, garbage has been lying here for years and no one is cleaning it up.

Path along the coastline near Prince of Oldenburg Park

Sea with jellyfish

I don’t know whether we were so “lucky”, or whether these are constant tropical cyclones a feature of Gagra. But with the sunny and hot summer days it was quite tight here. Almost every day the morning began with heavy rain, then by lunchtime the sun began to warm up. While we happily hurried to the beach, the clouds managed to thicken again and after the first entry into the cold sea and swimming, we found ourselves caught in a torrential downpour.

Freezing our ears on the beach in Gagra at the height of the summer season

Instead of sunbathing in the sun, we quickly ran home to dry off and warm up. Several times bad weather caught us on an excursion in the mountains, where the temperature is even lower, so I advise you not to go to the mountains in beach slippers - you risk catching pneumonia. When the husband returned from the excursion all wet and frozen (as it turned out they were being transported in the pouring rain in the open back of a UAZ), he urgently ran to the hostess for chacha. It’s good that there is local moonshine that saves you from colds. Therefore, it is better to take a jacket and sneakers with you on vacation, otherwise the unpredictable weather of Abkhazia in the city of Gagra will add to your hassle with finding warm clothes.

The jellyfish still interfere with enjoying the sea normally. Although they do not sting, swimming among these jelly-like umbrellas is not a pleasant pleasure. In addition, the sea was cold for almost the entire period of our vacation - mid and late June.

And once, during a strong gust of wind, a beach umbrella flew at us - an old and huge one with a rusty metal rod. Beach vendors rent them out and stick them into the pebbles next to vacationers, and then they are blown along the beach by the wind, risking injuring someone. If we talk about the infrastructure of public beaches, there is nothing like that here. There are no showers or toilets, the beach line is littered with rebar. If you want a more or less decent beach, go towards the park, opposite the Rusalka cafe.

3. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - advantages

It would be unfair to write only about negative aspects, because after all, we brought our share of good impressions from here.

Healing air

You will not find such an amber in any other country; the air in Abkhazia is thoroughly saturated with the smell of eucalyptus and relict pine trees. It seems to me that even our clothes smelled of it by the end of the holiday) It immediately hits your nose when entering the city of Gagra and accompanies souls in every corner of the country. In fact, the eucalyptus trees here are not quite ordinary, and cannot be compared with their relatives in neighboring Adler. As the guide explained to us, these trees here have gender, and male eucalyptus trees are much less common. Just like people)

In addition to their unusual features, these trees are capable of healing serious diseases, so if you have problems with the respiratory system - allergies, bronchitis, etc., the doctor himself ordered you to breathe in the healing Abkhazian air. Relict pine trees in Pitsunda and New Athos have the same healing properties.

Clean sea

It is really turquoise here, not dirty green, not bluish blue. The fact is that we went to Abkhazia after Adler, and we were surprised when the Black Sea seemed to be the same everywhere, they were separated by only a few kilometers of travel, and the color and transparency were different. In Abkhazia, the color of the sea is amazing, it’s not even sea, it’s some kind of oceanic or something. Its turquoise turns into a cold shade and the result is such a beautiful color, like from a picture of a tropical island. The water in the sea is clean and transparent, and the bottom can be seen for several meters.


The mountains will accompany you everywhere, they are majestic and irresistible, there are so many of them here that wherever you look, you can see the peaks of the Abkhaz thousand-meter peaks, covered in thick fog. My husband was especially delighted with the Abkhazian mountains, his heels were itching to conquer them as quickly as possible. If you are a mountain lover at heart, then you will definitely like it here.


If someone tells you that in Abkhazia the mountains are higher and the nature is more picturesque, in comparison with neighboring Adler and Sochi, they will be absolutely right. If you close your eyes to the lack of amenities and lack of quality service, you can enjoy the local views and natural landscapes. I would even say that Abkhazia is a paradise for an independent traveler, for those who are used to living in tents in wild natural conditions.

Abkhazia is like a box in which every traveler will find something valuable. There are gorges, waterfalls, hot springs, trekking trails, caves and ruined cities. Tropical fruits grow in the gardens, which at home you are used to seeing only on display in expensive supermarkets. If you are ready to ignore all the above-mentioned disadvantages, then welcome to the land of the soul, perhaps this place will find a response in your heart and will remain there forever.

4. Conclusion

Perhaps to some my review of the holiday in the city of Gagra - Abkhazia will seem too negative, but believe me, that’s how it happened. I tried to describe everything thoroughly truthfully and it’s up to you to decide where to go on vacation next summer. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow, but we are not planning a second trip to Abkhazia.

The center of the large resort area Bolshaya Gagra, which, in addition to Gagra itself, includes Tsandrypsh, popular among Russians, and many other small towns and villages.

How to get to Gagra

Gagra can be reached by road

from Sochi -65 km to Gagra,

from Adler (airport) 40 km. From Adler to the border with Abkhazia 10 km

A taxi from Adler to Gagra costs approximately 2 thousand rubles.

During the season, a catamaran runs from Sochi and Adler to Gagra. Catamaran schedule Sochi (Adler) - Gagra on the official website of Abkhazia.

From Adler there are minibuses and buses to the border on the Psou River (the last stop is the Cossack Market), but then you have to walk 2 km, so that later, after passing through passport and customs control, you will again load into the Abkhaz minibus or bus and get to Gagra. Although this is very cheap with things, it is extremely inconvenient, although the services of movers for transporting things are provided.

You can get there without transfers by private vehicle or for Muscovites by train Moscow-Sukhum.

Visa for a trip to Gagra

Russians do not need a visa to travel to Abkhazia, and they do not even need a foreign passport. You will need a Russian passport, insurance (purchased at the border). If you are driving your car to Abkhazia, then a driver’s license and technical. passport.

Despite this simplified regime, passport and border control exists on the border between Russia and Abkhazia, so there may be queues; a fee of 150 rubles is paid for entry by car.

Map of Gagra with streets and attractions

Sights of Gagra

The history of Gagra goes back two thousand years: there were Greeks, Romans, Genoese, and Turks; The city became part of the Russian Empire only in the first half of the 19th century.
Gagra is the first climatic resort in the Caucasus. In 1903, it was founded and presented by a member of the Russian Imperial House, Prince of Oldenburg. The presentation took place in restaurant "Gagripsh", which to this day is considered the symbol of the resort. Oldenburgsky planned to turn the resort into a Russian Nice or Monte Carlo, and at the beginning of the 20th century the city of Gagra, in fact, became a favorite vacation spot of the Russian nobility.

Old Gagra and New Gagra

The Gagra district, located around the Gagripsh restaurant, is called Old Gagra. Part of the city, rebuilt in the 20s. XX century is called New Gagra. The border between these areas is arbitrary.

In Old Gagra there are all the main attractions of the city, sanatoriums and hotels.

New Gagra is an area of ​​residential buildings and the private sector; this is where the bulk of vacationers stay.

The most famous historical landmark of Gagra is the Abaata fortress, built in the V-VI century AD. Near the fortress are the ruins of the famous Marlinsky towers, created by order of Pushkin’s second Danzas. And in the fortress itself there is the Gagra Temple, striking with its harsh beauty.
A must visit in Old Gar restaurant "Gagripsh",Seaside Park, in which tropical plants coexist with Tibetan cedars, a colonnade, known to everyone from the film “Winter Evening in Gagra,” and the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg, built in the German style.

Gagra is a strip of land sandwiched between the high Caucasus Mountains and the pebble beaches of the Black Sea, so hiking along mountain trails is extremely popular in this picturesque place. Fans of such walks should visit Zhoekvar Gorge, Mount Mamzishkh and Gegsky Falls, the latter, by the way, played the role of a Swiss waterfall in the film “Sherlock Holmes”. In addition, jeep safari tours are regularly organized from Gagra to lakes Ritsa and Mzy and rafting on local mountain rivers.
The high season in Gagra lasts from July to September, but even in winter the air temperature here does not drop below +5 degrees.

Prices for holidays in the private sector

Prices for holidays in the private sector of Gagra depend on the location of the guest house, the quantity and quality of services provided, the availability of amenities in the room, air conditioning and TV; as well as the time of arrival. However, on average, prices in the private sector of Gagra for the summer of 2016 range from 400 to 800 rubles per person for one night.

In my review of Gagra there will be no repetition of general phrases about the beauty of this town and the wonderful local flora: all this is in abundance in tourist brochures.

I’d rather tell you, as a former local resident and tour guide, where and how best to relax in Gagra, and why it’s even worth vacationing in Gagra (or they also say Gagra, in the old way. This also happens, I’ll explain why later).

Gagra is definitely for you if you:

Young and active, and looking forward to making new acquaintances from your vacation

Gagra is secretly considered the “party” of Abkhazia. Young people from all over the country flock here every evening to rock out in local cafes to the hits of this season, and perhaps find their soulmate!

Love disco bars and fun

There is a great variety of entertainment here. In addition, the only water park in Abkhazia is located in Gagra (a significant plus for vacationers with children)

Personally, I love Gagra very much, perhaps as much as Pitsunda. These two places in Abkhazia are somehow special. The air there is, perhaps, not the same as everywhere else...

But seriously, Gagra really differs from other settlements in Abkhazia. The barkers in Gagra don’t lie - if they say that their housing is a five-minute walk from the sea, then it is so, because almost EVERYTHING in Gagra is located within five minutes from the sea - she herself is like a string stretched along the shore.

This is perhaps the most significant advantage of this place. (so, I smoothly move on to the story of WHY you should vacation in Gagra):

1. Proximity to the sea

Gagra has an excellent location - essentially, it is a narrow strip of land, sandwiched on one side by mountains, on the other by the sea. Wherever you find yourself in Gagra, you will definitely be surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Walking around Gagra is a real pleasure, because no matter how long you no matter how you walk, your path will continue to stretch along the seashore. Well, the air in Gagra, accordingly, is all saturated with sea salt - the unique air of Gagra!

Gagra is also lucky in that it is located

2. close to the Russian-Abkhazian border

Literally half an hour. Any minibus coming from the border will take you to Gagra.

If you bought a ticket to a sanatorium (hotel-hotel, of which there are a great many in Gagra - you just have to look on the Internet), then you can skip this and the next points - after all, you will probably be met by the hotel’s transport.

But if you are traveling for the first time and are “savages”, it will not be difficult to get there and not get lost, and also

3. easy to rent accommodation

Without exaggeration, on every house in Gagra there are “housing for rent” notices.

It’s very simple - we go into the yard and ask. If you’re happy with the price, ask to see the property.

The options may be different: from an apartment in a high-rise (I don’t recommend it, why - I wrote in a review about Abkhazia in general)

to a bed in a private house.

Gagra is perhaps the most developed city in Abkhazia in terms of tourist infrastructure, so it is easiest to choose housing options for every taste.

I personally recommend staying in the private sector:

and exotic (drinking coffee in the morning with figs - where else in your native Nsk can you try this?),

and live communication with the local population (and often useful information),

and discounted wine, honey and nuts, excursions and much more!

Just don’t be afraid to be polite and friendly, express interest in the country you’re visiting)

and of course, the price is much nicer than all other options.

What to look for when choosing housing

Is there an autonomous water supply (water pump and heater). This is important, believe me! When you come from the sea, you will really want to take a shower and wash off the salt, and it will be extremely unpleasant to find that the water has been turned off in the entire city or the owners have run out of water in the tank, so it is important to immediately make sure that there will be no interruptions in hot and cold water .

Is there a kitchen, toilet and shower on the floor?

Air conditioning in the room (in my opinion, unimportant, and in some cases even harmful - for example, with children who often catch colds from temperature changes), but for some it is important. As a rule, housing in this case is more expensive

Is food included in the price (also depends on the taste and color. Some people prefer to cook themselves, while others prefer to eat in a cafe).

Is it possible to pay for 3 days, and the rest of the amount later (in case of force majeure and unforeseen relocation: for example, you find that the owners sing Buddhist chants at night or your neighbors turn out to be passionate newlyweds-rockers, and you want to move out).

Locals are very reluctant to rent out housing for a short period of time, but you can try to convince them.

How to look for housing

Suppose you are already on the border of Russia and Abkhazia. Take a minibus to Gagra. Of course, you will be asked: where to stop? and you will think: where, really?

Stop at the first house you come across, thinking: ah, Gagra is small anyway, and you will be wrong.

Gagra is big, and at the same time different! Consider your tastes and vacation plans when choosing a location!

Gagra is divided into 2 parts: Old and New, so this town is also called Gagra in the plural (remember, I promised at the beginning of the story to explain where this name came from?)

Old Gagra is the historical part of the city.

Most of the city’s attractions are located there (the famous colonnade, the Gagripsh restaurant, Putin’s dacha, Prince of Oldenburg Park and much more),

This part of the city is also less active in terms of entertainment. Adults who want a relaxing holiday will feel more comfortable here.

New Gagra begins after a small river, or after a local traffic police post.

In New Gagra there is a market, a supermarket "Continent" (one of the landmarks in Gagra, remember, it will come in handy), a campsite and the central bank "Gagra".

And - most cafes, bars and restaurants.

In New Gagra, the music does not stop until late at night, and the entire coast lives a bright, young life.

So, the choice is yours!

Now you will know where to ask the minibus driver to stop.

Let's return to the question of how to look for housing.

You got off the minibus. You went into one house, another - you didn’t like it.

Don't lose hope, you will definitely find what you are looking for!

There is no need to take a taxi anywhere throughout the city, circle along one street: after all, there are about 50 houses in one block, one of them will definitely be yours for the next 10-14 days!

Ufff. Finally, housing has been found, you are a full-fledged vacationer.

Forward! to the sea, on excursions, for walks around the city!

Here I think my tips are not needed...

I'd rather focus on this point:

4. where is the best place to eat in Gagra?

This, again, if you are relaxing on your own or food is not included in the price of your trip.

There are 3 options:

Get up to the mistress's allowance

Cook by yourself

Eat in public catering

Choose the third option. But - not in restaurants-pretentious cafes, but in ordinary canteens, of which there are also many in Gagra (ask any local on the street, they will show you!)

The portions will be huge, the dishes will be tasty and familiar to the Russian stomach, and the prices will be ridiculous.

I don’t recommend cooking it yourself, because the prices for food here, alas, are Moscow prices.

In addition, cooking will take energy and time, which is already scarce on vacation.

Eating the housewife's food - perhaps she will cook it deliciously, but what if not? And the local cuisine is very different from the one you are used to.

It seems that we have discussed with you the main practical aspects of a holiday in Gagra.

I hope my advice will be useful to you if you decide to relax in this wonderful place!

The most popular question about Gagra is whether it is better to live in Old or New Gagra. It’s difficult to answer unequivocally. Here everyone should consider the pros and cons for themselves.

Sunsets are beautiful everywhere

Let's start with Old Gagra.

Undoubtedly, this is the most beautiful place to relax in Gagra, two luxurious parks - Primorsky and the park of the Amra sanatorium (how we visited the sanatorium), a colonnade, a fortress, and, in general, all the sights of Gagra are here. But there are very few shops, pharmacies and comfortable places to stay on the shore.

How Old Gagra works. If you look from the sea, almost the entire first line is occupied by the territories of Soviet sanatoriums, which are practically unable to offer quality living conditions. Then there is a busy road and a second line begins, which on one side goes to the road, and the other to the railway, although not so busy, but quite active during the season. Let, according to local residents, you get used to trains passing at night on the 3-4th day of your vacation, but it is not clear whether you are ready to spend part of your vacation on this.

The mountain begins right behind the railway. Living on the mountain is great, there is a gorgeous view of the sea, but remember that you will have to go down from this mountain to the sea, and even to cafes/shops, and then, what’s most interesting, up. If you are athletic and fit, then this will be a great workout, or if you have a car, then this will not be a problem either. But do not forget that there will be a lot of people “from the mountain” in cars during the season, so there may be problems with parking below.

Amran Hotel

Our selection of hotels in Old Gagra:

Beautiful territory, the hotel is located on the territory of the Abaata fortress, next to the Seaside Park and the Joekvara River, a quiet, peaceful place, equipped beach, daily cleaning. At the moment, reconstruction of part of the buildings is underway, but should be completed by July 2016.

There are parks around, not far from the Joekvar Gorge, in a quiet location, the beach is unequipped, cleaning on request.

Budget boarding house on the sea, with an excellent location between Old and New Gagra.

Second line:

The hotel is located in a quiet location, new furniture, daily maid service, free secure parking, equipped beach

Children's room, daily cleaning, equipped beach across the road, free parking, the hotel is located next to the railway.

Located in the Gagripshsky gorge on the banks of a mountain river, daily cleaning, parking

On the mountain:

New hotel in a eucalyptus grove, daily cleaning, swimming pool, children's room

New Gagra.

The main thing, of course, is that there is a market and many shops, pharmacies, plus the first line is much wider, not occupied by boarding houses, there are many more options for accommodation away from the roads. But this also increases the number of people on the beach and in general on the territory of New Gagra. But the new cozy small mini-hotels and family hotels compare favorably with the huge Soviet boarding houses in their atmosphere and level of service.

Excellent living conditions

Our selection of hotels in New Gagra:

First line (on the seashore):

Wellness Park Hotel Gagra, the only all-inclusive hotel in Gagra, our full review of the hotel and prices for 2016.

High-quality service, comfortable rooms, equipped promenade, equipped beach. You need to book in advance; by May there are no available rooms for the entire season.

In the center of New Gagra, a hotel and restaurant complex with an equipped embankment, a small area open all year round, good service, swimming pools, spa center, equipped beach

Second line:

Guest house in a quiet area of ​​New Gagra with comfortable rooms, quality service, parking. Sea 5 minutes walk.

The new hotel "Grand Hotel Gagra" in the center of New Gagra, at the crossroads, opens in 2016.

Club hotel "Amran". Small area, swimming pool, daily cleaning.

Boarding house Aibga. Well-groomed area, swimming pool, parking, closed area

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Church of St. John the Climacus above the Holy Gate