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Tibet Mount Kailash City of the Gods. Mount Kailash is the heart of the world. Tibet. China. Where is Mount Kailash located on the map

Mount Kailash is a mysterious and incomprehensible secret of Tibet, a place that attracts thousands of religious pilgrims and tourists. The highest in its region, surrounded by the sacred lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas (living and dead water), the peak, unconquered by any climber, is worth seeing with your own eyes at least once in your life.

Where is Mount Kailash?

The exact coordinates are 31.066667, 81.3125, Kailash is located in the south of the Tibetan Plateau and separates the basins of the four main rivers of Asia, water from its glaciers flows into Lake Langa Tso. High-resolution photos from a satellite or airplane resemble an eight-petaled flower of regular shape; on the map it does not differ from the neighboring ridges, but significantly exceeds them in height.

The answer to the question: what is the height of the mountain is disputed, the range called by scientists is from 6638 to 6890 m. On the southern slope of the mountain there are two deep perpendicular cracks, their shadows form the outline of a swastika at sunset.

Mount Kailash is mentioned in all ancient myths and religious texts of Asia, it is recognized as sacred among four religions:

  • Hindus believe that at its peak is the favorite abode of Shiva; in the Vishnu Purana it is indicated as the city of the gods and the cosmic center of the Universe.
  • In Buddhism, it is the seat of the Buddha, the heart of the world and the place of power.
  • Jains worship the mountain as the place where Mahavira, their first prophet and greatest saint, gained true insight and interrupted samsara.
  • The Bon people call the mountain a place of concentration of vitality, the center of an ancient country and the soul of their traditions. Unlike believers of the first three religions, who make a kora (purifying pilgrimage) after sun exposure, Bon followers go towards the sun.

Parascientific concepts about Kailash

The mystery of Kailas worries not only scientists, but also lovers of mysticism and transcendental knowledge, historians searching for traces of ancient civilizations. The ideas put forward are very bold and bright, for example:

  • The mountain and its surroundings are called a system of ancient pyramids destroyed over time. Supporters of this version note a clear step pattern (9 ledges in total) and the correct location of the faces of the mountain, almost exactly coinciding with the cardinal points, like the complexes in Egypt and Mexico.
  • E. Muldashev's theory about the stone mirrors of Kailash, the gates to another world and the artifacts of ancient humanity hidden inside the mountain. According to him, this is an artificially constructed, hollow inside object with an original height of 6666 m, the concave sides of which bend time and hide the passage to a parallel reality.
  • Legends about the sarcophagus hiding the gene pool of Christ, Buddha, Confucius, Zarathustra, Krishna and other teachers of antiquity.

Stories of climbing Kailash

It is pointless to ask the question “who conquered Kailash”; due to religious reasons, the indigenous people did not attempt to conquer the peak; all officially registered expeditions with this focus belong to foreign climbers. Like other pyramid-shaped ice-covered mountains, Kailash is difficult to climb, but the main problem is the protest of believers.

Having difficulty obtaining permission from the authorities in 2000 and 2002, the Spanish groups did not go further than the camp set up at the foot of the camp; in 2004, Russian enthusiasts tried to make the climb without high-altitude equipment, but returned due to unfavorable weather. Currently, such ascents are prohibited at the official level, including UNN.

Trekking around Kailash

Many companies offer the service of delivery to the starting point of the bark - Darchen and accompanying a guide. The pilgrimage takes up to 3 days, crossing the most difficult section (Dolma Pass) – up to 5 hours. During this time, the pilgrim walks 53 km; after completing 13 circles, passage to the inner ring of the kora is allowed.

Those wishing to visit this place should remember not only good physical fitness, but also the need for a permit - a kind of group visa to visit Tibet; registration takes 2-3 weeks. The policy pursued by China has led to the fact that it is almost impossible to get to Mount Kailash on your own; individual visas are not issued. But there is also a plus: the more people in the group, the cheaper the tour and travel will cost.

Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′01″ N. w. 81°18′46″ E d.

Where is Mount Kailash located on the map?

We should look for this mystical mountain on the map to the west of Hindustan in the region of the Himalayan highlands. Among the Himalayan mountains, Kailash is not the highest. Mount Kailash (from Wikipedia)- “a mountain in the Kailash range of the Gangdise mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

This is the highest mountain in its area; it is additionally distinguished from others by its tetrahedral pyramidal shape with a snow cap and faces oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points.

Height of Mount Kailash still remains a controversial issue - so widespread is the statement that Kailash has a height of 6666 m; Scientists disagree from 6638 to 6890 m, which is due to the method of measuring mountain heights. In addition, the Himalayas are considered young, so their height increases on average, taking into account the weathering of the rock, by 0.5–0.6 cm per year.”

Who conquered Mount Kailash?

Mount Kailash still remains unconquered by any people. The most serious attempts to climb were made in 1985 by the famous climber Reinhold Messner, but at the last moment he abandoned this idea.

Also in 2000, a team of Spanish climbers purchased an expensive permit from the Chinese authorities, but thousands of pilgrims, believers and public organizations protested, and the climbers had to retreat.

Mount Kailash is attributed many mystical and sacred properties.

Kailash is sacred to Buddhists, Hindus and followers of the Bon religion.

Nowadays, not only religious people, but also those sincerely seeking spiritual practices, interested in the places of power of our planet, make a pilgrimage to the great mountain with the aim of making a circular walk - Kora. This is a trekking route about 50 km long.

The main difficulty in passing Kora is the highlands and acclimatization to altitudes of 5000–5600 m. Also, according to many people who have visited these places, completely different vibrations and sensations emanating from the majestic and mesmerizing beauty of Kailash make a stay on Kora one of the most vivid and mystical experiences in life.

Kailash is a sacred mountain and “place of power” in Tibet. The snow-capped peak is also known by other names: Kailasha, Kangrinboche, Gangdise. The “Snow Jewel” is shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends and has not yet been conquered by anyone. like a magnet attracts not only believers, but also researchers.


Kailash is part of the Himalayan mountain system and is located in the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The territory is located in southwest China, in Tibet.

There are 4 great rivers flowing in the region: Indus, Ghaghara, Brahmaputra and Sutlej. Followers of Hinduism believe that all these sources originate from Kailash. Satellite images show that water from mountain glaciers flows into the lake, from which only 1 river flows - the Sutlej. So, scientists have proven that beliefs are wrong.

6666 m

Mount Kailash is the highest in its region. However, due to different measurement techniques, the exact extent is unknown.

Approximately this parameter is 6638–6890 m. A common point of view is that Kailash has a height of 6666 m.

However, the statement is wrong. After all, the Himalayas are young mountains and “grow”, on average, half a centimeter per year.

Mystical properties are also attributed to the location of Kailash. After all, the distance from the mountain to the North Pole is exactly 6666 km, to the South Pole - twice 6666 km.

Mathematical connections

The largest megalithic structures on the planet and Kailash are related mathematically:

Mount Kailash mathematically accurately unites all the pyramids of the world. One can only guess by whom and why this system was developed.

Mountain or pyramid?

It is believed that Samagora Kailash is a huge pyramid, and not a natural formation. This idea is prompted by a number of factors:

What is inside?

Some scientists are confident that there is a system of rooms located inside Mount Kailash. Hidden in one of the rooms is the mythical black crystal Chintamani, which can make wishes come true. The object transmits vibrations of the Cosmos, which ennoble people and contribute to their spiritual and moral development.

Mystics are sure that ancestors in a state of samadhi are hiding inside. The sages have been preserving the gene pool of humanity since the times. According to another version, Christ, Buddha, Krishna and other great people of the world are in an unconscious state. They live in a tomb connected to the mountain by a tunnel. The prophets will come to their senses in the most difficult time for the planet and help people.

108 pyramids and the “City of the Gods”

The photo from space shows that Kailash is located in the very center of the stone spiral. Scientists believe that a complex of 108, according to other sources 110–115, small pyramids and monuments is concentrated around the mountain.

The structures have different shapes and heights from 100 to 1800 m. The system in size exceeds all known complexes, including those in Egypt, China, and off the island of Yonaguni.

There are several theories for the construction of the Kailash pyramid system:

  1. According to legend, the “City of the Gods” was located near the sacred mountain, built by the Atlanteans and Lemurians. The peoples were forced to move after the reversal of the poles and the death of Atlandis. Subsequently, the population of ancient Tibet began to be called the “sons of the Gods”, and Kailash itself was called the “Mountain of the Gods”.
  2. The system was built to restore life on the planet after the Flood. Biologists note that the schemes of the complex are identical to the three-dimensional structure of DNA.
  3. Other assumptions include the intervention of terrestrial or extraterrestrial civilization. After all, it is extremely difficult to move and lift giant slabs to a height without anti-gravity technologies. And to make screw holes in the mountains you need a device with a speed 500 times greater than that of modern devices.

"Time machine" and energy cocoon

The pyramids in Tibet are interconnected through giant flat-concave structures - “stone mirrors”. The largest of these devices is 800 m high and is called the “House of Lucky Stone”.

And in the “Mirror of the King of Death”, 3 km long, there is the “Valley of Death”, where yoga practitioners go to die.

The “main mirror of time” is aimed at the huge Lebanese and Syrian megalithic structures.

In the west, the “mirror” of Mount Kailash is inclined at an angle of 108°, in the north – at angles of 30° and 78°, which in total equals 108°. This is no coincidence, because the number 108 is sacred. You need to walk around the mountain exactly this many times to heal spiritually and physically. There are exactly 108 beads on a Buddhist rosary.

A number of researchers believe that the “mirrors” of Kailash create a special energy space that can speed up or slow down the passage of time. So, pilgrims walking around the mountain grow a beard and nails within a day. According to the theory, in ancient times the “time machine” was used:

  • for traveling to the future and past;
  • to go to parallel worlds;
  • to communicate with the “mirrors” of other pyramids of the world;
  • to exchange thoughts at a distance.

Other scientists believe that Kailash is the largest accumulator of cosmic energy on Earth. This function is also facilitated by the symmetrical shape of the mountain. “Mirrors” collect the energy of the Cosmos and transmit it to living organisms, including people.

Mystics are sure that Mount Kailash is one of the entrances to the mythical country of Shambhala in Tibet. Recent research has shown that the region mentioned in the Mahabharata may well have existed.

Religious significance

In modern religions, Kailash is considered a sacred mountain and the “heart of the world.” Pilgrimages are made to the place for parikrama, or kora. It is believed that one walk around the mountain removes all sins from a person. And 108 kor grant healing and nirvana. Travelers are affected by divine energy flows from the stones. According to legend, demigods and higher spirits live in stones.

Mount Kailash in Tibet is sacred to followers of 4 religions:

  1. Hinduism. Hindus are sure that the abode of Shiva is located at the top. And the mountain itself is an earthly reflection of a cosmic supermountain, which is located at the central point of the Universe. They say that sometimes a multi-armed creature is seen above.
  2. Buddhism. Buddhists believe that Kailash is the abode of Buddha in the incarnation of Samvara. Therefore, the Donchod Khural holiday, dedicated to Buddha, is celebrated near the mountain.
  3. Jaymanism. Jains believe that their first prophet, Mahavira, achieved his epiphany on Kailash.
  4. Bon religion. The Bon people believe that Kailash is the center of life force, the heart and soul of the ancient Shangshung Empire, where Bon arose.

It was on the sacred mountain that Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche, the founder of the tradition, descended from the sky.

Representatives of religions have different views on walking around the Mountain of the Gods. Most of them make the kora clockwise, as if with the sun. Followers of the Bon tradition - counterclockwise, meeting the sun.

Mount Kailash: climbing

Legends and texts say that anyone who dares to conquer Kailash will die. After all, there is no place for mortals on the mountain of the Gods. So, four climbers who tried to conquer the peak grew old and died within 2 years. It is not for nothing that Tibetan lamas do not advise deviating from the sacred path.

Tourists say that when trying to climb the Mountain of the Gods, an invisible wall appears that cannot be overcome. Kailash only allows you to perform kora, or parikrama.

To this day, the peak remains unconquered. In 1985, German climber Reinhold Messner obtained permission to climb. However, the man suddenly changed his mind. Rumor has it that the athlete had a vision.

In 2000, an expedition from Spain received permission, but thousands of pilgrims blocked the team’s path. The Dalai Lama and the UN also opposed the ascent.

In 2004 without permission Mount Kailash A Russian scientist and his son tried to conquer. According to travelers, the weather worsened with every meter: the wind and snow intensified and knocked the family off their feet.

Among those who conquered the top of the mountain are only semi-mythical characters:

  • celestial founder of the Bon Miwoche tradition;
  • Yogi and teacher Milarepa, who grasped the sun.

Swastika and light phenomena

On Mount Kailash in Tibet, fogs and unusual flashes of light are periodically observed. Every second, spheres the size of basketballs form in the sky. Since ancient times, Tibetans have called them tigle and depicted them in pictures. And at night the sky is covered with hundreds of bright stripes, forming a huge grid of swastikas.

On the southern side of Kailash, a vertical crack intersects with a horizontal one in the shape of a swastika. At sunset, with the play of shadows, the symbol becomes noticeable and can be seen for kilometers ahead. That is why Kailash is called “Mountain of Swastika”.

In ancient times, the solstice sign signified enormous spiritual strength, movement and life. However, the swastika crack is of entirely terrestrial origin. The fault appeared after a powerful earthquake.

Living and dead water

U Mount Kailash there are 2 reservoirs separated by a narrow isthmus:

From a scientific point of view, such a difference between nearby bodies of water is inexplicable.

The greatest minds on the planet are trying to understand what the Mountain of the Gods is hiding. What is undeniable is that Kailash is a place of spiritual power.

Ritual circumambulation really cleanses the mind and consciousness, brings peace of mind and harmony. Everyone can be convinced of this.

What do you think, dear Reader? What is the power and secret of the mountain? Who lives at the top? And what prevents climbers from conquering this mountain? Write your thoughts in the comments to the article. We are very interested in your opinion.

Many more fascinating mysteries of our unknown planet await you ahead.

“Strangers have rarely visited this wild land.
In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailash.
Although the height of Kailash is only 6666 meters, Hindus and Buddhists
It is considered the most sacred of all the Himalayan peaks.
Near it is the large lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and the famous monastery.
At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia.”
Tenzing Noghray, conqueror of Everest.

Fact No. 1. Many names

Mount Kailash (Kailash) is one of the most mysterious places on our planet.
She is also known by other names: Europeans call her Kailas, the Chinese call her Gandhisishan (冈底斯山) or Ganrenboqi (冈仁波齐), in the Bon tradition her name is Yundrung Gutseg, in ancient texts in Tibetan she is called Kang Rinpoche ( གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ; gangs rin p-che) - “Precious snowy.” Many interesting secrets and legends about Kailash do not leave people, both pilgrims and researchers, indifferent.

Fact No. 2. Center of 4 religions

Mount Kailash is the sacred center of 4 religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Tibetan Bon religion and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindu is to see Kailash with his own eyes at least once in his life. Related to this desire are serious visa restrictions issued by China for Indians wishing to visit these places. In the Vedas (ancient texts of this religion), Mount Kailash is the favorite place of residence of Shiva (cosmic consciousness, personifying the masculine principle of the Universe).
The Tibetan ancient religion Bon considers Mount Kailash to be the place of origin of life in the Universe and the center of power. According to their legends, this is where the mystical country of Shangshung (Shambhala) is located, and the first Jain master Tongpa Shenrab descended into the world from Kailash.

Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of Buddha in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist religious holiday Vesak (other names - Saga Dawa, Visakha Puja, Donchod Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of Mount Kailash.

Fact No. 3. Beginning of 4 rivers

According to Hindu mythology, the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate on the slopes of Mount Kailash: Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. Jains believe that at Mount Kailash their first saint, Jina Mahavira, achieved enlightenment, after which he founded his own teaching - Jainism.

Fact No. 4. Swastika symbol from the shadows

Swastika Mountain- another name for Kailash. The appearance of this name is associated with the pattern formed by two cracks on its southern side. In the evening, the shadow cast by the rock ledges depicts a huge image of a swastika on it. The swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is considered a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. A wooden tool was made in the shape of a swastika for producing sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; the depression in the middle served for a rod, which was rotated until a fire appeared, lit on the altar of the deity. The swastika was carved in many temples, on rocks, and on ancient monuments in India. The swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Fact No. 5. Orientation to cardinal directions

Mount Kailash has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented to the cardinal points. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers who have studied the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailash is an unnatural artificial formation, erected in ancient times by an unknown person and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, a pyramid.

Fact No. 6. Liberation from sins

In the Bon religion and Hinduism, there is a legend that says: walking around Kailash (kora) allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins committed in a given life. If the kora is performed 13 times, the pilgrim who completes it is guaranteed not to go to Hell; if the kora is performed 108 times, he breaks out of the circle of rebirths and reaches the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha. A kora performed on a full moon counts as two. That is why there are always many pilgrims around the mountain today, making their way to atone for sins.

Fact No. 6. Climbing Kailash is impossible

Mount Kailash is closed to climbers: not a single person has yet visited its peak. This is due not only to the fact that climbing it is officially prohibited. There are legends that Kailash is able to incomprehensibly change the desire of climbers to climb, thereby not allowing anyone to approach him. Those who get too close to it, and those who intend to climb to its top, are suddenly instructed to go in the opposite direction.
Whether this is true or not, the top of the mountain still remains unconquered. In 1985, the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner received permission to climb from the Chinese authorities, but refused at the last moment.
In 2000, a Spanish expedition for a fairly significant amount purchased permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but were never able to set foot on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the expedition's path. The Dalai Lama, the UN, a number of large international organizations, millions of believers around the world expressed their protest against the conquest of Kailash and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Fact No. 7. Mirrors of Time on the surface of Kailash

Another mystery of Kailash, around which there are numerous disputes and judgments, is the mirror of time. They mean many rocks located near Kailash, having a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces were created artificially in ancient times or are a play of nature is still not known.

There is an assumption that these formations are a kind of “Kozyrev mirrors” - concave mirrors, in the focus of which the speed of time can change. A person who comes into the focus of such a mirror may experience various abnormal and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailash are placed in a certain system in relation to each other, which creates something like a “time machine” capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.

Fact No. 8. Lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - so close, but so different

Two lakes located at the foot of Mount Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar are located nearby and are separated from each other by only a small isthmus. However, both these lakes are strikingly different from each other, which represents another mystery of Kailash.

The waters of Lake Manasarovar, revered by Tibetans as sacred, are fresh. According to legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first object created in the consciousness of Brahma. This is where its name comes from: in Sanskrit “Manas sarovara” means “Lake of Consciousness” from the words manas (consciousness) and sarovara (lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is the same legendary Lake Anavatapta, where Queen Maya conceived Buddha. Manasarovar, like Kailash, is a place of pilgrimage, around which a ritual circumambulation - kora - is also performed in order to cleanse karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in the purifying waters of Manasarovar. It is believed that this lake is a place where “purity” lives; in its bottom layer, near the northwestern shore, the water is alive. Anyone who touches the sacred land of Manasarovar or bathes in this lake will definitely go to heaven. Anyone who drinks water from the lake will ascend to heaven to God Shiva and be cleansed of his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The area around the sacred lake is 100 km.

Lake Manasarovar

Lake Rakshas

Near Manasarovar there is a salty dead lake Rakshas tal (also Langak, Rakas, Langa Tso (Chinese: 拉昂错, pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the lord of the Rakshasas, the demon Ravana, and on this lake there was a special island where Ravana sacrificed one of his heads to Shiva every day. On the tenth day, Shiva gave Ravana superpowers. Lake Langa Tso is contrasted with Lake Manasarovar created by the gods. Manasarovar has a round shape, and Langa Tso is elongated in the form of a month, which symbolizes light and darkness respectively.According to local customs, touching the water of the dead lake is prohibited, as it can bring bad luck.
The number of legends, stories and various traditions associated with this place is simply enormous: it is unlikely that any other place on our planet can boast so many secrets and mysteries.

There has been controversy surrounding Kailash for a long time. This place is considered mysterious and amazing. Read on to find out why. Mount Kailash- a mountain range that rises above other peaks. Kailash has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and its edges are oriented to all cardinal directions. There is a small snow cap at the top of the peak. Kailash has not yet been conquered. Not a single person has been to its summit. Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′00″ N. w. 81°18′45″ E. d. (G) (O) (I)31°04′00″ n. w. 81°18′45″ E. d. Place, where is mount kailash located- Tibet.

Kailash is located in the Himalayas, not far from the main peak of the world -.

Mount Kailash - the mystery of Tibet

According to scientists, Kailash is a huge pyramid. All edges of its top are clearly directed towards the cardinal points. Scientists say that this is not a mountain at all, but a giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are small pyramids, so it turns out that this is a real system of pyramids, which in size is much larger than all those that we previously knew: the oldest Chinese pyramids. Mount Kailash (Tibet) is very similar to a large pyramid, so read - is the Himalayan peak really of natural origin?
To find out, read the article further.

Mount Kailash (Tibet): swastika and other phenomena

Each of the slopes of the mountain is called a face. The southern one is neatly cut in the middle from the top to the bottom by a straight, even cleft. The layered terraces form a giant stone staircase on the cracked walls. At sunset, the play of shadows creates an image of the swastika sign - the solstice - on the surface of the southern side of Kailash. This ancient symbol of Spiritual Power is visible from tens of kilometers away!

The exact same swastika is on the top of the mountain.
Here it is formed by the Kailash ridges and the channels of the sources of the four great rivers of Asia, originating on the ice cap of the mountain: the Indus - from the north, the Karnapi (a tributary of the Ganges) - from the south, the Sutlej - from the west, the Brahmaputra - from the east. These streams supply water to half the territory of all Asia!

Most scientific opinions agree on one point, Mount Kailash (Tibet) this is nothing more than the largest point on Earth where energy accumulates! A unique feature of the Kailash Mountains is that various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-stone structures are literally adjacent to Kailash. In Soviet times, developments were carried out to implement a “time machine”. This is not a joke, various kinds of mechanisms were actually invented with the help of which people could finally overcome time. One of our compatriots, a genius, Nikolai Kozarev, came up with such a thing, a system of mirrors; according to Kozarev’s system, a time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or mirror spiral, bent clockwise one and a half turns, with a person inside it.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and in due time focuses different types of radiation. According to the results of all experiments, time inside this structure passed 7 times faster than outside it. After the experiments carried out on humans, it was decided to close down further development, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying saucers, and much more, because they won’t tell us everything clearly.

But the results were stunning: in mirror reflections, people saw the past like in a movie, and it also turned out that with the help of this system of mirrors, people can exchange thoughts at a distance. A very interesting experiment was carried out; people placed inside the spiral had to hand over the image of the ancient tablets to other people who were once in the spiral.

And what do you think, people not only received and were able to reproduce what they saw, but in addition to this they also grabbed several previously unknown ancient tablets, which are impossible to invent. One way or another, the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the developments were closed. We can see the same operating principle here!

The Kailasa system is almost the same only in large scale; just imagine a copy 1.5 km long and half a km wide. In the Kailash mountain system, in the center of the entire spiral of various mountain ranges is Mt. Kailash. The time warp near the peak is confirmed by many priests and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet expedition. By the way, Kailash is considered a sacred place by all the peoples living here. As well as many other Buddhists and believers, Kailash is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailash, coming close to the mountain, began to perform “Kora”. Kora is a sacred circuit around the entire mountain, after which, according to legend, a person is completely cleansed of the bad karma he has accumulated over several lives. And so all the participants who performed “Kora” in the 12 hours they walked aged for two whole weeks. All participants grew a two-week beard and nails, although they only walked for 12 of our hours! This suggests that human biological activity in this place proceeds much faster. We may not believe it, but people come here to have their lives fly by in a short time.

Many yogis spend their amazing meditations here for several days. Surprisingly, if you meet such a person, then endless kindness and light simply sparkle from his eyes; it is always very pleasant to be around such a person and you don’t want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailash is a structure created artificially by someone to collect and concentrate the energy of the future (from space) and the past (from the earth).

There are suggestions that Kailash is built in the form of such a crystal, that is, the part that we see on the surface continues with a mirror reflection in the ground. When Kailash could have been created is also unknown; in general, the Tibetan Plateau was formed about 5 million years ago, and Mount Kailash Well, she’s very young - her age is about 20 thousand years.

Not far from the mountain there are two lakes: the previously mentioned Manasarovar (4560 m) and Rakshas Tal (4515 m). One lake is separated from the other by a narrow isthmus, but the difference between the lakes is huge: the water from the first lake can be drunk and bathed in, which is considered a holy procedure and cleanses from sins, but monks are forbidden to enter the water from the second lake, because it is considered cursed. One lake is fresh, the second is salty. The first is always calm, but the second is raging with winds and storms.

The area near Mount Kailash is an anomalous magnetic zone, the influence of which is noticeable on mechanical devices and is reflected in the accelerated metabolic processes of the body.

Mount Kailash: the mystery of the number 6666

In some places Mt. Kailash It has this kind of plaster. You can see the peeling of this kind of coating, which is in no way inferior in strength to concrete. The solidity of the mountain itself is clearly visible behind this plaster. How and by whom these creations were erected remains a mystery. It is not clear who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, pyramids from stone. As well as whether these were earthly civilizations, or whether it was the intervention of unearthly minds. Or maybe all this was created by some smart civilization that has some kind of gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep secret.

There is a very interesting geographical feature associated with Mount Kailash! Look, if you take and draw a meridian from Mount Kailash to the legendary pyramids of Egypt, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious Easter Island, and the Inca pyramids also appear on this line. But that’s not all, it’s very interesting that the distance from Mount Kailash to Stonehenge is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailash to the extreme point of the North Pole hemisphere, the distance is exactly 6666 km. And to the South Pole exactly two times, 6666 km each, mind you, no more, no less, exactly two times, and what’s most interesting is that the height of Kailash is 6666 meters.

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