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Weight of the largest white shark in the world. The largest sharks ever caught (10 photos). Other encounters with great white sharks

It is the largest marine mammal in the world. Many species of sharks also live in the oceans. Among these species are the "Whale Shark" - biggest shark in the world.

For many years, sharks have fascinated people with their deadly power and menacing appearance. Humanity creates myths around these mammals, and then they write books or make films based on them.

We have already briefly introduced you to the largest shark of the modern world. But when compiling such ratings, many authors mistakenly add “Megalodon” - a huge shark that appeared on our planet about 23 million years ago and lived in the oceans until the late Pliocene (2.6 million years ago).

By the way, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest predatory shark ever living is Carcharodon Megalodon, which was about 16 meters long and possibly 2 meters wide.

Now let's move directly to the list of the largest sharks in the world, which can be found in the waters of the world's oceans.

The largest sharks in the world

Great whale shark

The whale shark is the largest and heaviest living shark because it weighs over 21 tons and is over 12 meters long. These mammals live in the open ocean and warm waters. These predators mainly feed on plankton, but sometimes they can be found while hunting for larger fish. Whale sharks are not in danger of extinction because their population is large enough.

The heaviest whale shark (that was discovered) weighed about 21,000 kg. But the longest one is 12.19 meters.

Giant shark

This shark is in second place in our ranking. They live in temperate and warm oceans of the world. These giants are quite friendly and never watch divers. Giant sharks feed on plankton and small fish. This species of mammal is the heaviest in British waters.

The average weight of this shark of this species is 14515 kg, and its length varies from 9 to 11.6 meters.

Great white shark

The great white shark is the largest predatory fish in the world, and it feeds on other marine life. If you have seen the movie “Jaws”, then you are undoubtedly aware of the fact that these predators do not hesitate to eat “humans”. But in reality, this fish rarely attacks humans.

Very often, great white sharks can be found in coastal areas of all oceans. Their average weight is about 3300 kg. Yes, by the way, the white shark is also the fastest shark in the world.

Greenland shark

This huge shark lives in the cold waters of the oceans, and the largest population was found in the North Atlantic Ocean, near Greenland and Iceland. This deep-sea fish is not often seen, even while diving. Greenland shark meat is poisonous, so they are not used as food.

Its average weight is about 1020 kg. And she is in 4th place on the list of the largest sharks in the world.

Tiger shark

This is another type of dangerous and predatory shark that eats all types of marine animals. It is considered the most dangerous to humans because they often attack people. This shark was nicknamed “tiger” because of the stripes on its body, thanks to which its appearance resembles the color of tigers. It is found in all oceans and especially where warm waters are present. The average weight of tiger sharks is about 939 kilograms.

Hammerhead shark

Hammerhead sharks live off the coasts of all oceans and some large seas. Despite the fact that they are a dangerous predator, they very rarely attack people. Scientists say hammerhead sharks are on the verge of extinction.

This species of shark is famous for its beautiful fins and hammer-like head shape. Also, because of their appearance, many call hammerhead sharks the strangest sea creatures.

The average weight of these predators is about 844 kg.

Sixgill shark

The sixgill shark is also included in the list of the largest sharks in the world. These predators feed on various types of marine life. Sixgill sharks are found in almost all oceans, especially in the Pacific Ocean. These predators reach a length of about 5.5 m, and their average weight is about 590 kg.

Gray sand shark

The gray sand shark is one of the few non-aggressive shark species. They live in different parts of our planet, which is why they have many names. But most often it is called the “common sand shark.” This species feeds on most marine life, as well as some other smaller sharks.

The gray sand shark is renowned for its beautiful appearance, and many people especially like to watch these predators swim in the waters of the oceans.

The average weight of sharks of this species is about 556 kg.

Mako shark

Moko sharks are number nine on our list of the largest sharks in the world. This is a very rare shark species and is endangered. Some researchers claim that moko is one of the most intelligent marine animals.

The average weight of mocha sharks is 544 kg.

fox shark

This is the last shark species in our ranking. Fox sharks are mainly found in waters in temperate and warm oceans, especially the Pacific. He doesn't attack people. This is a very important species of shark because humanity uses their liver to produce medicines. The average weight of these predators is about 500 kg.

THE BIGGEST SHARK in the world MEGALODON - video:

TOP 10 Largest sharks - video:

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At all times, it was believed that a real man must curb, defeat and kill a ferocious predator in order to protect himself and the people nearby. Catching the most terrible and dangerous inhabitants of the ocean - sharks - has always been considered a symbol of courage, courage and bravery. Although the fight often ends in favor of the dangerous killers, there are still cases in history of quite successful catching of giant sharks. So, biggest shark, caught by a man.

The largest shark ever caught by a person was a shark that was caught in the territorial waters of the state of Pakistan (near Baba Island) in 1949. The weight of this hulk was 20 tons, and its length was 12.55 meters! At its widest point, the girth of the body was 7 meters. It was a whale shark. Unfortunately, the harpooners killed this fish, subsequently selling the carcass in parts.

Again, with the help of a harpoon, or better yet, a dozen harpoons, one of the largest predatory fish was caught - an almost seven-meter great white shark. This happened in the Azores in the harbor of San Miguel in the summer of 1978. During the fishing period, the White Death vigorously resisted the fishermen, and was able to kill two people - she bit one in half, and broke the spine of another by pushing him into the water. There are known cases of catching huge fish with a fishing rod. The record belongs to Elf Diana from Australia. In 1959, a young fisherman went out into the ocean in a small motor boat and caught a huge man-eater shark using a steel line. This happened not far from the shores of Seduna. The predator weighed 1207 kg, with a length of 5.13 meters.

17 years later, in 1976 (17 years later), the record was broken again by Australian Clive Green. He was lucky enough to catch a shark with a total weight of 1537 kg and a length of 5.24 m. However, this record was not protected, since the fisherman used parts of a killed whale as bait.

Over the past 10 years, one of the largest sharks caught was the hammerhead shark, caught this summer in the United States. It happened in Florida, three kilometers from the city - the resort of Palm Beach. It took 3 hours to pacify this giant - that’s how long three fishermen fought with the ferocious shark. The shark was 4.27 meters long and did not want to give up. It was not possible to lift the huge carcass onto the boat, despite the fact that it was exhausted. The fishermen had no desire to kill the queen of the ocean, but tied with cables, she died during transportation. The weight of the caught shark is 453.6 kilograms. This biggest shark of this species ever caught by humans.

None of the giant sharks caught exceeds the average size for this type of fish. However, it has been established that specimens up to 20 meters in length and an approximate weight of up to 25 tons live in the world’s oceans. Maybe you will be able to catch at least one of them.

The largest shark caught by man. Video.

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08/3/2015 at 18:09 · Johnny · 44 320

Top 10: biggest sharks in the world

More than 450 million years ago, the ancestors of modern sharks ruled the seas. The largest sharks in the world and today they continue to simultaneously delight and terrify with their size. These underwater inhabitants are extremely interesting creatures. It would be a misconception to consider them exclusively marine predators. Among them there are species that feed only on plankton and krill, and some of the sharks live in freshwater.


- the largest and fastest predator from the herring shark family. Capable of throwing at high speeds - more than 70 kilometers per hour. The mako shark jumps up to 6 meters out of the water, making it one of the most agile and dangerous marine predators. It is considered an extremely aggressive species. The average body size is 3.2 - 3.5 meters. The largest specimen caught was 4.45 meters long. The mako shark poses a danger to humans, but in most cases attacks on people were provoked. The embryos of these sharks attack each other in the womb and find out which of them can survive. They develop tiny but sharp teeth.


It reaches more than 6 meters in length and is one of the largest predators of its kind. Most of the length of its body is occupied by an elongated caudal fin. The way these sharks hunt is very interesting - they use their tail as a whip and with its help they first drive and then stun their prey. The fox shark can jump completely out of the water. Its large size makes it outwardly formidable, but in fact it does not pose a danger to humans, since it is quite shy.

Did you know that there is a goblin shark? The second name is goblin shark. It is named for its unusual appearance and movable teeth that move forward during the hunt.


It is one of the largest marine predators of its family. 5.4 meters is the maximum recorded length. On average, the size of this shark is 3-4 meters. It does not pose a danger to humans, but it has a negative attitude towards touch and tries to move away from divers into the depths. Despite its apparent slowness and clumsiness, during a hunt, the sixgill shark is capable of making swift dashes after an escaping prey.

In Indonesia there lives a shark Hemiscyllium halmahera, which can move along the bottom with the help of fins. It belongs to one of six species of so-called “walking” sharks.


It got its name for its impressive body size and is one of the largest sharks existing in the world. Maximum length – 6.1 meters. The average size of a hammerhead shark is 3.5 meters. It rarely attacks people, but is a potentially dangerous marine predator.

Did you know that scientists have discovered only two individuals of the “pocket” shark? The last specimen was found in samples collected by an expedition in 2010. The first specimen, the miniature Parina shark (Mollisquama parini), was caught in 1979.


- one of the largest marine predators, which rightfully belongs to the largest sharks. Although the body size of individuals of this species reaches an average of 5 meters, scientists suggest that larger specimens exist. Their size can be more than 7 meters. Like the white shark, this species is the most dangerous to humans. Parts of human bodies are often found in the stomachs of these marine predators. To protect people from attacks, tiger sharks are hunted in some countries.


An honorable fifth place in the ranking of the largest sharks in the world is occupied by pelagic largemouth shark. It is also one of the most poorly studied species. This deep-sea inhabitant was discovered quite recently - in 1976. The maximum size of a caught individual reached 5.70 meters. Scientists have discovered only 60 largemouth sharks.

4. White shark

Carcharodon, or White shark, which is often called the “killer shark,” impresses not only with the enormous power of its jaws, but also with its size. This most dangerous marine predator is one of the largest sharks in the world. The average size of individuals of this species reaches 4.5 meters. There are several cases recorded in history when fishermen caught carcharodons more than 6 meters long. The white shark is an endangered species, with only 3,500 individuals left in the world.


Belongs to the largest sharks in the world, living in northern waters. Its size can reach 6-7 meters, and its weight can be one and a half tons. Because of its slowness, according to scientists, it uses special tactics during the hunt - it catches seals when they are sleeping peacefully in the water. The polar shark is one of the slowest fish on Earth. Its speed does not exceed 2.7 kilometers per hour, which is due to the low temperature of its habitat.

2. Giant shark

Giant (giant) shark– the second place among the largest sharks in the world belongs to this species. Males are slightly smaller than females, the latter reaching 9.8 meters in size. Perhaps there are specimens up to 15 meters long. In the 19th century, fishermen's nets caught specimens about 12 meters long. Due to mass extermination, large specimens are now extremely rare. The giant shark feeds on plankton, krill and small fish. It is not dangerous to humans, although it looks menacing when it opens its mouth wide. The giant shark allows divers to get close to it. But you should not touch it because of the sharp scales that can injure the skin.


– the palm in size should be given to this species. It is one of the largest sharks in the world, as well as the largest modern fish. On average, the body length of a whale shark reaches 12-14 meters, but it is possible that there are individual representatives of the species that are larger - 18-20 meters in length. To feed itself, this gigantic sea creature has to consume approximately 200 kilograms of plankton and small fish every day. The largest recorded weight of a whale shark was 36 tons.


If we consider extinct species, then the undisputed winner in the ranking of the largest sharks in the world will be the megalodon. Fossil remains suggest that it reached at least 16 meters in length and could weigh about 50 tons. This super predator fed on cetaceans and large fish. It was distributed everywhere and, due to its size, had no enemies.

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Not many animals cause strong fear in humans due to the possibility of easily losing their lives in an unexpected encounter. Polar and brown bears, a pack of wolves, sharks, poisonous snakes, and jellyfish top this list. There are many species of sharks that inhabit the world's oceans. To maintain the intrigue until the end of the article, the shark in the world, photos, data about it will be “served on the table” last, because many of these dangerous but attractive creatures arouse genuine interest and surprise with their abilities and habits.

From ancestors to descendants

The distant ancestor of sharks was the prehistoric megalodon. His recreated image in “Jurassic World” is seriously frightening even on the screen, but, indeed, the largest predatory fish of those times, with a length of 20 m, weighed up to 60 tons. Most of the species of today's descendants of this giant are significantly inferior to it in size and body weight , but not all...

So, about the significant, interesting facts about them established by scientists:

  • All (more than 450 species) of these animals belong to the class of cartilaginous fish, and they have no bones, which makes them attractive from a gastronomic point of view.
  • Its habitat is the entire World Ocean, from tropical seas to the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • Some species live in fresh water of rivers.
  • Size - from 17 cm to many meters, but more on that later...
  • Sharks do not have a swim bladder.
  • Almost all sharks are true predators, hunting any living creatures living in the seas and oceans, but three species - the giant shark, the largemouth shark, and the whale shark - are so-called filter feeders, feeding on plankton and small fish.
  • With the teeth of these, both universal predators and lovers of tasty krill, fry and other crustaceans, everything is fine - from 180 to 14 thousand sharp pieces. Only the sizes vary - up to 5 cm for a white shark, accustomed to tearing prey with its teeth, 5 mm for a whale shark. The teeth of all these fish are arranged in several rows: from 4 to 28, depending on the species.
  • Particularly envy of mankind is the ability of sharks to change, without the help of dentists, worn-out rows of teeth to the next - brand new, without flaws. Alas, in this dental issue, nature clearly did not side with people whose replacement old teeth do not grow from the inside of the jaw.

Now it’s worth looking at the photos of contenders for the title of the largest shark in the world, as well as those that are unusual in appearance and shape:

  • White shark. Thanks to the image replicated in numerous films, it appears to be both the largest shark in the world and the most bloodthirsty. This is indeed a dangerous creature, including for careless divers, but its maximum size is 6 m, which is clearly not enough to claim first place.
  • Tiger shark. Dangerous for humans. “Total” - 5.5 m.

  • Hammerhead shark. The very unusual shape of the head was the reason for this name. Reaches a length of 6.1 m.

  • Giant shark. Despite its name, it has a recorded maximum length of 9.8m, which is longer than the white, but it is not the largest fish.

Fortunately, these predatory animals do not shine with special intelligence; they do not organize safaris or manhunts. The aggressiveness of sharks, according to both researchers and that stubborn thing – statistics, is greatly exaggerated. The media cite data that in the United States the ratio of people killed by shark attacks to drowning on an annual average is 1/3000.

A person, especially his highest form of development - a tourist diver, most often provokes a predator himself, trying to take a selfie with him as a memory of a chance meeting. However, some animal and bear lovers hand-feed.

Shark out of categories

Whale shark. Here is the largest shark in the world, its photo. The record individual of them, recorded by scientists, was 20 meters long and weighed 34 tons, which is comparable in size to a large sperm whale. Why not a modern megalodon? But, in fact, the difference is huge. First of all, because the whale shark is not a predator, but a peacefully “grazing” creature on the underwater “field” of plankton, which does not pose any danger even to unceremonious scuba diving enthusiasts.

She lives in the tropical latitudes of the World Ocean. Whale sharks live in small groups, rarely alone, but sometimes in places with high concentrations of plankton they form aggregations of hundreds of individuals. Following the migration of plankton caused by ocean currents and storms, they make long journeys.

Despite the fact that whale sharks are a subject of keen interest for the scientific community, they are still very little studied. Suffice it to say that the total number of this rare species (compared to many others) has not yet been established. This remains to be learned by observing, with the help of satellites, tagged individuals migrating as part of separate populations, the number of which has already been determined.

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